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Real Labrador Retrievers of Scotland Colouring Book

About the Book
This beautifully hand-drawn colouring book features over 40 real pets of the members of the ‘Labrador Retrievers in Scotland’ Facebook group.
Art mindfulness therapy is relaxing and enjoyable for all ages, and this book contains pictures suitable for beginners through to more skilled artists.
There are pictures on one side of each page only, so you can safely use paint or felt-tips if you choose, and not worry about bleed-through spoiling the picture on the other side. For labrador lovers everywhere, aged 8 – 80!
Accompanies Brand New Book “The Stories of Jack and Rory”!
Join loveable labradors Jack and Rory on all their adventures with their family.

Buy The Book
Real Labrador Retrievers of Scotland Colouring Book is out now and available to buy on Amazon and at Waterstones.com.
take a peek
A Look Inside The Stories of Jack and Rory
Some of the lovely illustrations from The Stories of Jack and Rory brought to life!
Get the Books now
Both books are out now on Amazon. Click the links below to buy.